Want some great insight into the foster/adoptive community in RVA?
Our good friend David Giles from Gayton Church has just launched his brand new podcast, Project Access. We are thrilled for him and the impact he is making in our community. Check out what he has to say about Project Access & of course take a listen.
Hey, I’m David Giles. Most of my friends call me Giles, to which I will most commonly answer. My journey into the world of foster care and adoption began when my wife approached me one afternoon and said that she would like to foster.
I had never even considered it, let alone, looked into bringing another child into my home. After about a year from the original conversation and many personal obstacles, we were at a place to revisit. We went through the application process, home visits and training and on March 15, 2016 we had our first placement. A beautiful 6 month old boy, was added to our already busy family of three lovely girls…
2 years later our son became our son! and our brother! and our grandson!
We gained a new family member, but we also gained insight into the world of foster care and adoption and the role the Church is to play. Our eyes were opened to the crisis in Virginia and our hearts were broken for the kids who age out into the “real world” with no real support in their lives, the babies who experience trauma at a very young age, and the workers who provide care for them on a daily basis.

A year’s journey of questioning, “How can we best support?” led to meeting countless wonderful people who are doing amazing work in the world of foster care and adoption! Selfless, generous people who were willing to help us understand the system and how to work within the system as an “outsider”. I heard amazing stories of victory, soul-wrenching stories of heartbreak and loss, stories of hope and stories of progress!
Along the way the thought, “EVERYONE needs to hear this!” grew into, “What’s the best way to allow people to hear these stories AND advocate for the children in care?”
Consequently, PROJECT ACCESS: The Podcast was born!
I feel these conversations will add priceless insight to anyone new to this process. Make no mistake, we are all on a learning curve, yet I believe the collective learning of us all, will exponentially grow the work of finding and preparing families for this great work, equip churches to spawn Foster and Adoption care ministries and inspire youth in care to strive for their best life despite their past!
I invite you with me on a journey of growth and I hope you enjoy hearing these conversations as much as I have enjoyed participating in them!

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